Joint Stock Company "Uzbekexpertiza"
(JSC "Uzbekexpertiza") was formed by the order of the State Property Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan from January 30, 2004 № 13-kPO on the basis of the republican self-financing association "Uzbekexpertiza", in accordance with the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the program of privatization of enterprises and exit from the state structure in 2003-2004 years" from April 17, 2003 № 185, and renamed in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the new edition "About joint stock companies and protection of shareholders' rights" from 06.05.2014 No. ZRU-370.
Full official name:
Joint stock company "Uzbekexpertiza"
Official short name:
JSC "Uzbekexpertiza"
- Legal address: Republic Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Parkentskaya st., 51, postal code: 100007. Phone: (71) 230-23-60, Fax: (71) 268-06-94 Bank details: TIN 201037628, SCEA 71200
- Sum account: Mehnat branch JSIB "Ipoteka-bank", Tashkent, MFO 00423, Acc. 20210000200126024001;
- Currency account: Regional branch Uz.PSB, Tashkent, MFO 00424, Acc. 20210840100126024002
Joint Stock Company "Uzbekexpertiza" is a legal entity, has an independent balance and acts on the principles of self-financing and self-sufficiency, including currency. Has the right to independently realize foreign trade operations necessary for its activity in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Charter.
The authorized capital of JSC "Uzbekexpertiza" is equal to 2 589 587 880 sum, which equals 1 596 540 pcs. of stock nominal value 1 622 sum.
The structure of JSC "Uzbekexpertiza" consists of the head office in Tashkent with branches "Airport", "Sergeli", "Nazarbek", "Excise Post'' and "Almalyk", "Chirchik", "Angren", "Ark Bulok" in the Tashkent region, as well as 12 subsidiary economic entities in all regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The total number of staff of the head office in Tashkent with branches of JSC "Uzbekexpertiza" is 94 people, including 20 management workers, 63 production staff, 11 technical and service staff.
IDENTITY JSC "Uzbekexpertiza"
The services of JSC "Uzbekexpertiza" are used by all enterprises, independently of the form of ownership, established in the territory of the republic, including investors, export-oriented companies, participants of small and medium-sized businesses engaged in foreign trade operations, as well as private individuals.
Major consumers of the Company’s services are NMMC, JSC "Almalyk MMC", JSC "Uzmetkombinat", JSC "Foton", СП JV JSC "General Motors Uzbekistan", JV JSC "Uzcabel", JSC "Bekabadcement", JSC "Uzbekkhimmash", IE LLC "BF Textile", JV "Uzcaseservice", JV JSC "Chirchik Transformer Plant", JSC "Ammofos-maxam", JV "Prestige Textile", JV "Maxam Chirchik", JV LLC "Alutex", JV JSC "O'zelektroapparat Electroshield", JSC "Uzbekistan factory by storage and processing of scrap, waste of non-ferrous metals", JSC "ASL OYNA", company groups of "Artel", IE LLC "Yuqori Chirchiq Metal Invest", JSC "Ohangaronsement", LLC "Chirchiq Chemical Trade", LLC "Uztex Tashkent", JV LLC "Uz Korgaz", LLC "Nestle" and others.
Trade mark JSC "Uzbekexpertiza", registered by the Patent Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan, is known in the CIS, European Union, Asia, Africa, Australia and Oceania, North and South America.
Certificates, signed by authorized employees of JSC "Uzbekexpertiza" are recognized in more than 100 countries of the world.
The Company is interested in steady profit making and its maximization, which is achieved through the sale of services provided to consumers. For these purposes, the Company will aim to ensure that consumers in the conditions of competition give preference to the services of JSC "Uzbekexpertiza". The Company realizes that in large part, its positive identity contributes to its stable commercial success.
In order to maintain a positive identity, the Company will take measures to continuously evaluate and adjust its components.
The Company's identity includes the following aspects:
- image of the Company among consumers of services. It is this component that determines the positivity of the image. For this reason, all clients of services will be given close attention in the process of production of services, so that the client will be satisfied with the quality of the service, the price for the provision of this service;
- achievement of high results in the provision of goods examination services.
All divisions, branches and subsidiary economic entities of JSC "Uzbekexpertiza" took note of and executed the following: provide the necessary assistance to exporters as quickly and efficiently as possible when processing and issuing certificates of origin of goods;
respond to their requests in a due time, be polite, attentive and patient in communication;
quickly make non-standard and responsible decisions when working with customers, provide qualified assistance in the part concerning, as well as competent consultations, if necessary, with the participation of specialists of the head offices.
Make prompt, non-standard, and responsible decisions in dealings with clients, provide qualified assistance on relevant matters, as well as offer expert consultations, with the involvement of specialists from the head offices if required.
Business identity formed from business partners' views of the Company as a subject of entrepreneurial activity. In relations with business partners, relationships will be formed that contribute to the perception of business reputation, integrity, reliability, information openness and compliance with ethical business norms in performing business activities.
Social identity. Informing the public about social aspects of the Company's activities, such as sponsorship, patronage, support of social movements, participation in solving employment problems, as well as assistance to specific persons in need of help. In this field, the Company will carry out activities to provide various assistance to the disabled, children's homes, and public charitable organizations.
Internal identity, which is defined by the personnel's opinion of their company. Education in the minds of the employees of a sense of unity, love for the profession and the team. The main criteria of the internal image are the Company's culture ( the system of personnel recruitment and training, the adopted system of employee performance evaluation, the system of material stimulation).
Instruments to achieve the goals of service production
The goals set for the Company are planned to be achieved by the following means:
- increase in the volume of services, due to the general growth of trade turnover of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- increasing the volume of work with future development of new types of services provided by the subdivisions of JSC "Uzbekexpertiza"
- Improving the Company's image by maintaining and improving the quality management system certified by the international certification agency TUV for compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001;
- improving the forms of service providing by improving the organization of work;
- applying methods of material stimulation for timely and quality service providing.